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Harlequin Bowmen Young Archers

Welcome to the Harlequin Bowmen Young Archers page! Here at Harlequin Bowmen, we're all about inclusivity and making FUN the core of all our archery! Harlequin Young Archers are the under 25's of the club, meaning you'll fit right in whatever your age! Interested in joining our Harlequin Young Archers?

Email our membership secretary Derek: or

Club Chairman, Paul:



Hey, I'm Katherine...

Young Archer Representative at Harlequin Bowmen! I've been an archer for 7 years now and thoroughly enjoy every second of it! I'm happiest when participating in 'Clout' events with the team and when I see the other Young Archers having fun! Fun is our main focus here at Harlequin, and I'm here to ensure that every single one of our Young Archers is made welcome! Contact me via the email details above if interested in finding out more! 




"My absolute favourite thing about being a member of Harlequin Bowmen is the Clout Archery. Instead of setting up a regular target at close range, clout archery challenges you to shoot at a flag in the ground at least 80 yards away! These past couple of weeks, a motley group of Harlequins (including Young Archers) have been bracing the cold and shooting some imperial clout rounds. Last week, I was happily joined on the 140 yard flag by Freya, who had never shot this distance before. As pictured above, we got some arrows straight through the flag and some pretty decent scores! Let's see if we can beat them next time... I look forward to more clout over the winter and the possibility of a team in the new year!" From Katherine.




"Saturday Squad is a fun and sociable way for you to become more confident in your shooting skills whilst making new friends! Typically we start with warm ups followed by 'bench marking' which is where we score for a few ends to see how we have improved since last session. Then we have shooting practise with one-to-one coaching which means we get direct feedback from a coach on

our technique. What I love most about Saturday Squad is the games at the end! We either get into teams or compete against each other in lots of different games (my favourite is 'Last Man Standing' where you have one arrow and the person furthest away from the 'X' is out until there's only two people left and then the closest wins)! Saturday Squad is perfect for Young Archers who are new to the club because you get to meet all of the other Young Archers and make friends!!!"

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