All club members and visitors at Harlequin Bowmen are expected to hold current Archery GB membership before joining or shooting at the club. We will need to see proof of this as part of your membership application or renewal.
If you are NEW to the club, please follow this link to obtain AGB membership before completing the membership form below.
We offer 3 types of membership:​
Full member: Harlequin Bowmen is your primary archery club, with Berkshire County as your home county. This will be your named club for participation in competitions.​
Associate Member: Harlequin Bowmen is NOT your primary club.​
Non-shooting member: Typically for friends and family of the club who actively support our activities, to recognise the important volunteering work you do for Harlequin Bowmen.
ALL MEMBERSHIP applications should be completed using the following online form:
If you have any questions or issues with the membership process please contact our membership secretary using