59th Diana Open Competition
Sat, 01 Jun
|Harwell Campus
ONLINE registration now closed. Limited spaces so please enquire to TO directly via chairman@harlequinbowmen.org.uk. UKRS event with Albion, Windsor and shorter variants. ALL levels of experience welcome!

Time & Location
01 Jun 2024, 09:00 – 17:00
Harwell Campus, OX11 0RA
About the event
All registrations from this point should be made directly via the TO, Paul Comina, c/o chairman@harlequinbowmen.org.uk
UK RECORD STATUS EVENT...details may be subject to change....
Saturday 1st June 2024
Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QR
Rounds: Albion, Windsor, Short Windsor, Junior Windsor, Short Junior Windsor
ASSEMBLY: 10:45 am SIGHTERS: 11:00 am
Entry Fee: Seniors £10.00 Juniors £5.00
Judges: Andy Turner (JIC), Graham Pink.
Lord/Lady Patron: TBC
Albion -Ladies, Gentlemen by Senior, Masters and Junior age groups: Trophies and Medals for recurve, compound, longbow, barebow and traditional entries. Couples award.
-‘The Diana’ Team Trophy* and Medals
Windsor -Awards in all rounds and disciplines according to entry. Couples award.
Juniors -‘The Bartholomew Trophy’ awarded to best junior*
Please Note -Awards only given when shooting a round appropriate to age group.
-‘Jack and Jill’ awards to established couples only.
-As previous years we will be shooting 6 arrows in 4 minutes, with use of timers.
You are encouraged to enter online via our website www.harlequinbowmen.org.uk.
Alternatively edit and return the form below, by email to chairman@harlequinbowmen.org.uk.
BACS payment is preferred- sort code: 30-93-93; Account No: 00097432 using the reference “DIANA-Surname”. Contact T.O. by email if wanting to pay by cheque.
Record Status: This Record Status Shoot will be liable for drug testing and competitors approached to give samples must comply: if they refuse, that refusal will be treated as a positive result. Juniors must provide parental written consent using the reverse page of the entry form.
Please bring your GNAS Affiliation Card.
Dress: This is a Record Status Shoot and GNAS dress regulations apply (Rule 307). Archers arriving at the tournament not wearing the correct dress may be allowed to shoot but are NOT eligible for awards and will not have entry fees refunded.
Refreshments: Light refreshments including bacon rolls, burgers, cake, and soft drinks, will be available throughout the tournament.
*Diana Trophy: 1. The trophy is for teams of four archers shooting the Albion round including at least one lady or junior
2. All bow styles may compete for the trophy and scores achieved will be adjusted using GNAS Handicap and Classification Tables.
3. The trophy may be taken home by the winning team but must be returned by the following year’s tournament.
*Bartholomew Trophy:
The trophy is awarded for the best performance by a junior taking into account: age, gender, bow type and round shot, by adjustments using GNAS Handicap and Classification Tables, to provide a common ranking. You may win this trophy only once.
Photography: In view of the provisions of the GNAS Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, those who wish to take photographs or video at this event are to register with the Tournament Organiser on arrival. No unauthorised photography will be permitted.
Data: We will be, naturally, collecting data in order to process your application. By sending your form in you are giving us permission to use this data for the purposes of this competition only. Your personal details will be deleted upon completion.
Please tick the relevant box on the form below/online entry form if you would also be happy for us to store your details for the purposes of advertising our future events to you in late 2023/2024.
Liability: Harlequin Bowmen and the Harwell Laboratories Recreational Association cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused.
Dogs: Dogs are NOT permitted on the field.